Bishop Gerasimos of Abydos: The Spiritual Elder of America
When His Grace Bishop Gerasimos (Papadopoulos) of Abydos fell asleep in the Lord on the Feast of the Holy Spirit, in 1995, many people recalled his holiness and simplicity of life, referring to him in saintly terms. They remembered his zeal for learning and theological inquiry; his quality as a devout and loyal priest and bishop, especially his service to the Diocese of Boston (1962-1967) and the Diocese of Pittsburgh (1967-1977) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; his wisdom as a spiritual father, which was sought by so many; and especially his love for the students o Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, where he resided from 1978 until his repose.
Among his few personal belongings, papers were found with the title "My Life," as well as a study of the hierarchical prayer of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John. These works by the blessed bishop are included here, along with a biography by his nephew, Stylianos G. Papadopoulos, Professor at the University of Athens, and a reflection by Fr. Ambrose Zographos, now the Metropolitan of Korea, one of his spiritual children.
Gerasimos Papadopoulos, Bishop of Abydos: The Wise Abba of America - Stylianos G. Papadopoulos |
p. 1 |
The Hierarchical Prayer of Jesus Christ - Gerasimos Papadopoulos |
p. 41 |
An Explanatory Note Regarding the Autobiography of the Blessed Gerasimos, Bishop of Abydos |
p. 67 |
Recollections of My Life - Gerasimos Papadopoulos |
p. 70 |
The Bishop of Love and Peace - Ambrose-Aristotle Zographos |
p. 126 |
Product Description
Paperback: |
137 Pages |
Publisher: |
Holy Cross Orthodox Press |
978-1-885652-04-1 |
Product Dimensions: |
5 x 7 |
Editor: |
Peter Chamberas |
Publication Year: |
1997 |