Greek Orthodox Theological Review GOTR
The Greek Orthodox Theological Review was founded in 1954 by the faculty of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. The Review has served as a vehicle for the publication of scholarly and theological works related to Orthodox Christianity, especially in its Hellenic expression. Articles cover a range of theological disciplines with an emphasis on the Greek patristic and Byzantine tradition. Over the years, the GOTR has also served as a means of publishing important ecumenical documents related to the life and work of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. As a scholarly journal, the Review seeks to uphold the standards of academic rigor and scholarly debate.
The mission of The Greek Orthodox Theological Review is to promote theological study and scholarly discussion regarding the Orthodox Church, its history, theology, liturgical practice, and the contemporary witness of Orthodox Christianity with emphasis on the Greek Orthodox tradition.
Although the articles published are primarily theological, articles of related
disciplines such as history, philosophy, psychology, and pastoral care are welcome. A noteworthy legacy of the Review is its periodic inclusion of significant theological and ecumenical documents related to the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
The Review periodically publishes selected proceedings and papers from theological conferences sponsored by Holy Cross.
The Greek Orthodox Theological Review is published semiannually by Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. The first issue of the GOTR was published in 1954.
The Greek Orthodox Theological Review invites submission of articles to be considered for publication.
Please note the following guidelines:
- Submit your article via email at
- Greek Orthodox Theological Review does not consider articles that were previously published or are currently under consideration by another journal.
- Articles undergo a double-blind review.
- Submissions must be double-spaced in 12-point font (Times New Roman); endnotes must be double-spaced in 12-point font and follow the body of the article on separate pages.
- Articles must be submitted in .doc or .docx format (such as an MS Word document). If your article includes non-English fonts or contains graphs or tables, you must also submit a PDF version of your article.
- Submissions should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (11th edition). For biblical, patristic, and other related references, authors should consult the SBL Handbook of Style (2nd edition). More specific style guidelines are available on our style sheet.
- For Greek and Hebrew text, please use Unicode in Times New Roman or Palatino font.
- The length of articles published in the Review varies; normally, submissions should be between 6,000 – 18,000 words, including endnotes. Submissions longer than 18,000 words will not be accepted.
- Please provide complete contact information, including mailing address, phone number, and email address.
Guidelines and Style
Basic Guidelines
- Please submit your article in .doc or .docx format (such as a Microsoft Word document).
- If your article includes non-English fonts other than Greek or Hebrew or contains graphs or tables, please submit a PDF version of your article as well.
- We recommend 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced.
- Greek terms (in Times New Roman font) may be used alongside an English translation, although Greek transliterated into the Roman alphabet and set in italics is preferred: “…contemplation (theoria) and practice (praxis)…”
- Endnotes should be used (rather than footnotes). Endnotes follow the body of the article.
- Titles of biblical and apocryphal books should be in Roman type (not italicized), as in Romans or Genesis.
- Titles of pseudepigraphical books, patristic writings, and all other full-length works are set in italics: Epistle of Barnabas or An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith or The Orthodox Way.
- Biblical references are abbreviated as follows, with no space following the colon: 1 Cor. 3:7–21, 1 Cor. 3:7–4:1; Isa 40–66; Rev. 6:1, 4, 7; 8:2, 5. Insert biblical references inside parenthesis in running text, and before the period at end of sentence: O His ministry was to deepen conciliarity and “to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 2:3).
- In references to patristic works, use forms such as 4.26.27 to indicate book, chapter, and verse after the italicized work name.
- Patrologia Graeca, Ante-Nicene Fathers, Post-Nicene Fathers, and Patrologia Latina: May be cited in short form in parentheses in running text, with a full citation of the work in the endnote.
- In text: Chrysostom counsels the deaconess Olympias (PG 52:574) that…
- Endnote: 1 John Chrysostom, To Olympias 3.3, in Jacques-Paul Migne, ed., Patrologia Graeca [henceforth PG], 52:574.
- “Old Testament” and “New Testament” should not be abbreviated as OT and NT.
- Quotations that run four lines or more should be set as indented “block quotations” without quotation marks at the beginning or end.
- Set first-level headings in bold and second-level subheadings in italics.
Consistency List
Please refer to the following consistency list for capitalization and hyphenation issues.
- altar, chalice, etc.: all liturgical implements, church structures, and vestments are lowercased
- the Apostle Peter, the Evangelist John; but the apostles, the evangelists apostolic
- the Bible, Holy Bible
- biblical
- the bishops, but Bishop Meletios
- the Body of Christ, the Blood of Christ
- the Church (one, holy, apostolic), the Church of Rome; but the church (building or local body)
- dogmatics (and all academic study branches)
- the Ecumenical Patriarchate (entire office), but the ecumenical patriarch
- essences/energies of God
- the Eucharist, but eucharistic
- the Fathers (of the Church)
- First Ecumenical Council through Eighth Ecumenical Council, but ecumenical councils without a specific numbering
- God the Father
- the God-man
- the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, the Paraclete
- the Gospel (written work), Gospel Book
- the gospel (whole evangelical message)
- His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, but the ecumenical patriarch
- Holy Scriptures
- Nicea
- Pascha, Pentecost, Nativity, and all major Church feasts are capitalized
- the Passion
- the patriarch (the bishop, the metropolitan, etc., unless followed by a given name)
- patristic, patristics
- the prophets
- the Resurrection
- the sacraments
- scriptural
- the Scriptures
- the Son of God
- theology, theological
- theosis
- the Trinity
- trinitarian
- the Word (Christ)
- word of God (gospel message)
Contact Information
Please address any questions regarding submissions or use of publications to:
James C. Skedros, Editor
Greek Orthodox Theological Review
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Brookline, MA 02445 USA
Please address any questions regarding orders and subscriptions to:
Nicholas J. Botsolis
Holy Cross Bookstore
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Brookline, MA 02445 USA
Featured collection
The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 65:1-2 2020
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 65:3-4 2020
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 64:3-4 2019
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 64:1-2 2019
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 63:1-2 2018
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 63:3-4 2018
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 62:3-4 2017
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 62:1-2 2017
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 51:1-4 2006
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 52:1-4 2007
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 57:1-4 2012
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 58:1-4 2013
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 59:1-4 2014
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 60:1-2 2015
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The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 61:1-2 2016
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