All Creation Trembled
Orthodox Hymns of the Passion Service
(Right-click on links and click "Open link in new tab" to hear sample tracks)
1. Alleluiarion - When the glorious disciples (mode pl. IV)
2. Antiphon I (mode pl. IV)
3. Antiphon XI (mode pl. II)
4. Antiphon XII (mode pl. IV)
5. Kathisma for Antiphon XII (mode pl. IV)
6. Antiphon XIV (mode pl. IV)
7. Today he who hung the earth
8. Antiphon XV (mode pl. II)
9. Beatitudes - Prokeimenon (mode IV)
10. 9th Gospel Pericope
11. Kontakion - Oikos - Synaxarion
12. Exaposteilarion (mode III)
13. Aposticha Idiomela (modes I, II)
14. Both now for Aposticha (mode pl. IV)
15. 12th Gospel Pericope
16. Dismissal Hymn (mode IV)
17. Dismissal
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CD. Greek and English.